Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Oh Those Camino Toes

I thought this story had ended, but it. just keeps happening.  Last night at Foncebadon, I woke up with major pain in my left Ning and second toes -there's a  long story about those two toes...more than you need to hear.  But they were wrapped in various layers of tape and bandages.  So, I tugged the bindings off..blood spurts forth.  What to do?  It was another one of those Camino moments when I wondered where my attendant was.  But, just me....hmmmmm.seems like it is time for a doctor, but not in Foncebadon!  "I'll work that out tomorrow."  

The walk out of Fonccebaton leads to a large iron cross, called the highest point on the Camino.  I got there about sunrise, left my three callow shells and limped off towards Ponferrada and a toe decision.  This particular stretch of the Camino involves a treacherous downhill that I had been dreading for days.  On a post I Aswan ad for Taxi Luiis in Molinaseca and wondered if maybe that might be the best way to help.  I wandered along and suddenly realized I had left the Camino trail and was still walking in the street.  Wounding how that happened, I saw someone coming along behind me.  He said he was on her road be aide his foot hurt and the roadways easier than that treacherous downhill.  We walked along together talking in Amis ofEnglish and Spanish.

Juan Luis is doing his seventh Camino even thou he has a bad foot.  I to,d him about my foot, and that I was thinking about trying to find Taxi Luis.  Back in June at one of our local Camino meetings, a new person came in who had walked a few times.  He told a tale about Taxi Luis who had come to his aid when he fell at about the spot where we were walking.  Juan Luis said we would try to find Taxi Luis at the next town, maybe two. Lies ahead.  I was really struggling, but we walked along in an easy silence.

When walking in the road it is custom to stop moving when a car comes along.  This had happened a few times, but I noticed the next car coming was a taxi as I stepped aside and stopped.  Too late isaw that it was TAXI LUIS!  Juan Luis hailed the taxi.  Bingo!  Same man, and he remembered Jim from last year.  Who would ever believe this was a coincidence?

Luis took me to Ponferrada, walked into the hospital with means explained what was wrong ( no English here).  Then he explained that I was to stay there and would be seen shortly, and he left.

After a while the doctor came in and watched as I peeled the latest round of bandages off, wincing all the while.  She took ahold look, and you known what she said (only in Spanish),  " Ah, you have camino toes!"  Camino toes?  Can you believe it?  She dressed my aching toes, and somehow I understood that I mead to rest today, change the dressing and continue along tomorrow.  Once in get to my next stop I am Togo Tia Farmacia, let them take a look, buy appropriate stuff and then continue.

Buen Camino!

So I now have a cama plrivee in anal urge just next tithe ancient castle, supposedly built yet he!inghts Templars and full of secret lore.

I'm not sure how to account for Luis' sudden appearance.  Seem say the Camino provides.  For me, it is another mystery, one filled with gratitude and wonder.  Tomorrow I start again...eight days to Santiago!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking of you a lot on this journey, Bob, and I admire the grace, humanity, perseverance, and vulnerability that you share in your blog. I, and I bet many others, are routing for you and touched by you. Buen Camino!
